Principal's Message


St.Teresa’s School, Berhampore​

Dear staff members, students, parents, and well wishers,

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance!!!

I am pleased to inform the launching of the official web portal of St. Teresa’s School, Berhampore. A cordial welcome to each one who visits the newly designed website of our institution. Through this website you would get authentic information about development of the school and the activities of our students.?

Dr. A.P.J. Kalam had once said, “If our country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three societal members who can make a difference, they are the father mother and the teacher”. Our children, who are our future, are powerful instruments that we have, to bring about a positive change in our society. I strongly believe that every parent recognizes the immense responsibility we have in nurturing our little ones in making them ‘BLESSINGS’ for a better tomorrow and they too in turn understand that the future of our world is entrusted to them

Our school seeks to form the young boys and girls into men and women of character, competence, conscience, compassion and commitment and also to incorporate the use of technology in our teaching methods to enable the students to be well equipped to understand and to face any challenges as they step out into an ever evolving world. I am certain and confident that we are doing our part of forming the little ones who without doubt will make a mark wherever they go in making a difference in the world. I invite all our parents who join in our endeavour in bringing up the PRECIOUS TEASURES, our children, whom God has entrusted to our care to create beautiful minds of our society and for the entire world.

My little Teresians, I trust that you are all enjoying the short break from the regular school activities conducted in the institution. These are highly evolving times where in we are not prepared as to how to reach out each one of you. As much you may be missing us and missing the school, we too are missing you and your presence in the school. These are the times when we are call to stand united as one family belonging to the entire world promising that we do not complain about being bored and not to react negatively but respond positively because there is ample time and opportunities on our side. Let us remember that it is a time for us to reflect on areas of concerns, areas where we can improve and to grow on our strengths. This is a time to fit in as a family member, to help and to pray for everyone in the world, to stay healthy and happy and thus overcome this complex situation.

What would be your role during this crisis that has gripped the world? It would be being a responsible human being. Let us not waste food as food is extremely dear in this difficult situation. Let our thought and actions be helpful to those who are less fortunate and who are under extreme anxiety due to various reasons at this time. Eat healthy, stay healthy, wake up on time, sleep on time. Each one of you understands that this break is not meant for enjoying or holidaying. It is a time that we remain connected with our education. Coming to school is not possible but keeping in touch with your classes and lessons at your home is very much possible. You are all aware that our teachers have taken up the challenge of taking online classes for all the students. Do continue to keep up with your education even if it is from home. We eagerly look forward to seeing you in school as early as possible. We are also excited to educate you through formal classes as and when the situation improves and gets normal and schools are permitted to reopen. I request you dear children to cooperate with your teachers and with the online classes. I also urge you to take seriously the online classes on karate, music, dance, drawing too apart from the other subjects. Do give more time to reading and make it a point to write a page every single day to improve your hand-writing

A word of advice to our loving parents who have always co-operated with us. Please do not panic with regard to the academic activities of your ward. We will put in all our efforts to help your child with academic growth and all round excellence once the school re-opens. Together we can make a big difference in the lives of our children.

With my best wishes
Sr. Jessy. M

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